The views expressed in this section of the website are those of the contributors and are not necessarily the views of the board of trustees. Lyme Disease Action does not give medical advice, although some contributors may express an opinion.
Nicola Seal’s story
An ecologist, entomologist and hill walker, Dr Nicola Seal was treated early, thus preventing the development of antibodies for a positive test result. She needed lengthy antibiotic treatment but is now clear of symptoms.Nicola’s story (PDF)
Paul Bramble’s story
Bitten by a tick in E Europe Paul went through all sorts of different diagnoses. A neurologist recognised Lyme disease but others scoffed at the idea. Eventually Paul got treatment and is now back to work and a normal life. Paul’s story (PDF)
Gill Reese’s story
After several weeks of illness Gill read an article about Lyme disease and realised what was wrong. She eventually got some treatment but relapsed when it stopped. Further longer courses effected a dramatic improvement and Gill was able to resume her life. In response to her difficulties Gill founded the internet support group EuroLyme. Gill’s story (PDF)
Chris Wilson’s story
Chris became ill with non-specific symptoms as a medical student. Without a diagnosis he lived with debilitating symptoms until a discussion of tick-borne diseases jogged his memory of the characteristic Lyme disease rash years before. A positive blood test brought him treatment. As a surgeon lieutenant he wrote his story for the BMJ who published it in 1999.
Chris’ story