LDA was formed in 2003 – 20 years ago
20 years ago neither the Department of Health nor the Lyme Reference Laboratory would talk to us. Now they do.
20 years ago there were no uncertainties in Lyme disease diagnosis and treatment. Now these are recognised by many.
20 years ago researchers wouldn’t work with us. Now we are partners in several research activities.
20 years ago there was no publicly available, evidence based information onĀ tick-borne disease. Now there is, because we produced it and the UKHSA finally realised it was necessary and did it too.
20 years ago UK researchers were extremely rare at international conferences on Lyme disease. Then we started attending, and others have followed.
It has been a long haul. Sometimes it feels that there has been no progress, but looking back, we are getting somewhere. Not only can Lyme disease symptoms persist, but this charity can too!
For details of our actions over the years, see our History page.