The 15th LDA Conference was held on Saturday 17th September 2016 at Murray-Edwards College, University of Cambridge
The theme for the day was Moving Forward. The full programme, with speakers’ biographies and the presentations, are available for download.
Stella Huyshe-Shires, Chairman, LDA
Norma O’Flynn, National Guideline Centre
Jeremy Rowe and the Thomas Hardye School team
Investigating Borrelia distribution in Dorset
Sandra Pearson, Medical Director, LDA
Monica Embers, Tulane National Primate Research Center, USA
The challenges of diagnosing and curing Lyme disease
Jinyu Shan, University of Leicester
Bacteriophages in diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease
Gillian Baker, Exeter Clinical Research Facility
Knut Eirik Eliassen, University of Oslo