The following letter was published in the New Scientist 4 Dec 2004, see page 30:
“Lyme Tests
Stephanie Woodcock
Lyme Disease Action
Despite the findings referred to in your article that antibody tests for
Lyme disease can be unreliable and that late-stage Lyme is very hard to
cure, patients in the UK are being told they do not have Lyme on the basis
of negative antibody tests (6 November, p 40). The world
authority on
infectious disease, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in
Atlanta, Georgia, has placed information on its website to the effect that
diagnosing Lyme disease is primarily a
clinical matter.
Patients in the UK who have Lyme-like symptoms but who test negative
may not be receiving the appropriate diagnosis and treatment. This could
have very serious implications for them and for the health of the nation.
We are rapidly collecting evidence that might indicate this is
Penryn, Cornwall, UK. ”