HPA bans staff from LDA conference

The arranged speaker from the Health Protection Agency (HPA) has been forbidden to speak at the LDA conference.

It is difficult to think of reasons for this and there only seem two possibilities:


  • LDA is an antiscience “advocacy group” with which the HPA dare not be associated in case it brings the HPA into disrepute,


  • The HPA is ill-informedĀ and does not wish to engage with a patient charity in order to help patients to understand clinical information.

You decide. Have a look at the respective websites of these organisations and make your own decision as to which of these has the more balanced approach.

Useful links from the HPA.

Guideline resources from LDA.

Meanwhile LDA has an excellent replacement speaker who will give us some hard and fast facts on the prevalence of zoonoses in local tick populations and who will discuss what can be done to manage the situation. It would have been good to have had the HPA as well, but that is clearly not to be.

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