by Valerie Elliott in the Times on 30th May, page 25.
The article can be found on the Timesonline website see, Page 1 ,
Page 2
The LDA issued the following statement.
We at Lyme Disease Action have on record instances of
people making unusual observations about tick bites,
their sources, numbers and locations, as yet not
reported in the
literature. If even some of these
instances are true, then there could be further tick-
bite risks in addition to the risks mentioned in your
article. Current public health planning, which
estimates that the UK is at reasonably low risk for
tick-borne disease, could still be
risk if new factors are in play. This charity is
extremely concerned that both the DoH and the Health
Protection Agency greatly increase both research,
diagnostic accuracy and the promotion of awareness when
it comes to Lyme borreliosis and associated
Yours sincerely
Stephanie Woodcock
Lyme Disease Action
Registered charity 1100448