Trust in Healthcare

Swedish Patients’ experiences: a BMJ open access paper has just been published. Wessel M, Lynøe N, Juth N, et al. The tip of an iceberg? A cross-sectional study of the general public’s experiences of reporting healthcare complaints in Stockholm, Sweden. BMJ Open 2012;2:e000489. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2011-000489 Sweden has a Patients’ Advisory Committee, similar in function to […]


Guidelines matter

Medical science moves on; guidelines need updating because clinicians use them. No-one can believe it is a good thing for clinicians to apply guidelines that are known to be out of date. Because of this the National Guidelines Clearinghouse (NGC) in the USA requires that American guidelines are reviewed every 5 years. The IDSA guidelines of […]


Where your dog goes, so do you!

At the LDA 2011 conference Faith Smith told us about her research project at Bristol University surveying pet dogs to estimate the prevalence of Lyme disease infected ticks. Her paper has just been published. The random samples of ticks were from dogs inspected at veterinary surgeries across the UK. Samples positive for Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that […]


Neurological care criticised by National Audit Office

The National Audit Office published its report into “Services for people with neurological conditions” just before Christmas. The study focussed on 3 neurological conditions (Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and motor neurone disease). However, the study found, through literature reviews and focus groups with charities, patients and carers, that there were similar issues for people with […]


2012 – We can hope

We look forward to this new year with the undiminished hope that entrenched positions will relax and we can all start moving forward. Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words And never stops at all, And sweetest in the gale is heard; And sore […]


Concern about rise in Lyme disease cases

Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer, Sir Harry Burns, has published his annual report covering 2010. In Chapter 6, on zoonoses, Sir Harry says “One concerning trend in zoonoses, i.e. diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans, is that shown by the increase in Lyme disease, a tick-borne disorder. The rise cannot be accounted for […]


LDA – Officially accredited quality information

Lyme Disease Action has been certified as a provider of high quality health information by The Information Standard scheme. This scheme was developed by the Department of Health to help the public identify trustworthy health and social care information easily. At the heart of the scheme is the standard itself – a set of criteria that […]


Ascot Skydive: the Lyme Nine

Prompted by an employee whose young son suffered badly from Lyme disease, Ascot Underwriting chose LDA as their charity of the year. A group of them (the Lyme Nine) decided to make a contribution by throwing themselves out of an aeroplane at a dizzying height above the ground. Not for the faint hearted! They have also put a […]


Full Recovery from Lyme Disease

Sam Stosur, Australia’s world-class tennis player, currently ranked no 7, was severely affected by Lyme disease for 10 months in 2007. Last year she got as far as a grand slam final and now she has finally fought through to win her first title. This article in the Guardian relates her battles, not just with […]


Health Services Survey

An independent research group called ‘LymeResearchUK and Ireland‘, has launched a survey to find out about the experiences of people with Lyme disease, in particular about the health services they have received. The research group is headed by Kate Bloor, a member of the Social Research Association, and the charity Tick Talk Ireland. The survey […]
