HPA bans staff from LDA conference

The arranged speaker from the Health Protection Agency (HPA) has been forbidden to speak at the LDA conference. It is difficult to think of reasons for this and there only seem two possibilities: Either LDA is an antiscience “advocacy group” with which the HPA dare not be associated in case it brings the HPA into […]


GP claims Lyme disease not known in Berkshire

The Bracknell Standard reports on the story of a Berkshire woman who developed a typical Lyme disease rash following a bite. Her doctor was dismissive of the possibility of Lyme disease but having researched using the internet, she eventually received treatment at a local hospital. The local microbiologist told her that the disease is definitely in […]


Patient’s UK Lyme petition grows

Good luck to UK Lyme patient Denise Longman who is running a petition calling for the steps that patients wish to see in relation to the prevention and treatment of Lyme disease in the UK.  Denise already has more than 800 signatures on her petition which is proceeding both online and in a paper format. […]


LDA Comment on British Infection Association Position Statement

In March 2011 the British Infection Association published on-line a Position Statement on Lyme Disease. The full paper appeared in print in the May edition of the BIA’s journal, the Journal of Infection Lyme Disease Action sought a meeting with the BIA President, Dr Jane Stockley, to discuss what the charity felt were serious shortcomings […]


Daily Telegraph article on Lyme disease

The Daily Telegraph today published an informative article on Lyme disease. The article is also available in the on-line edition. It highlights the difficulties patients have obtaining diagnosis and treatment.  


Sound thinking in the Netherlands

The editorial of the March 2011 edition of the Netherlands Journal of Medicine(1) gives a hint of an enlightened, scientific approach in the Netherlands revised guidelines due to be published later this year. These guidelines have been developed “according to the recommendations for evidence-based development of guidelines by a multidisciplinary committee, including the National Society for […]


Awareness days for clinicians

To introduce the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership to doctors, 3 awareness days have been arranged. It is important that this process engages with as many clinicians as possible who have treated patients with Lyme disease, and across a wide range of specialties: neurology, rheumatology, paediatrics, infectious diseases, as well as general practice, physiotherapy […]


HPA reviews ILADS guidelines

See http://www.hpa.org.uk/web/HPAwebFile/HPAweb_C/1294739293177 Published in January 2011, some 6 months later than expected, this review of ILADS guidelines is not so much the “appraisal” that it claims to be, but an attempt to find every possible bad point. It is a pity that those who maintain they are protecting our health cannot take a more rational, […]


Lyme Disease review panel: truth in the detail

The Lyme disease review panel of the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) has released its long awaited final report on the 2006 Lyme disease guidelines. As in any report or paper the abstract and the press release are no substitute for the detail. The panel showed some significant shifts in emphasis, most notably on […]
