A group of patients on the LDUK discussion board felt they didn’t know what LDA’s role was or where we stand on various issues. Although much of this information is on our website it is not easy to find, particularly for those who primarily use phones for internet browsing. It was clear that some people thought we were paid by the charity and thought that our role was just to provide information. To help to clear the air LDA suggested that instead of us answering questions individually, they were raised en bloc. An LDUK supporter agreed to compile all the questions into one document. We have inserted answers directly below each question. We have tried to keep the answers straightforward, although on many topics there is a lot more that could be said.
We are looking to see how we can make our website easier to use, but given the nature of Lyme disease, and the volume of information it is not a straightforward task. There is now a search facility, which should enable the finding of older news items.Don’t forget to check the date of news items, as although they are correct at the time of issue, new information may have been published and we don’t always have time to add post scripts.