On Sunday October 2nd 2022 our runner in this year’s London Marathon will set off on her 26.2 miles.
But in the lead up to this, Alice has done some tremendous work and it hasn’t all been pounding the pavements in training!
Right from the beginning she has had to persuade people to donate to us – explaining what Lyme disease is and why it needs more research. Persuading them to help LDA’s work instead of some other charity working on a better known disease.
She has had to keep up to date with all the organising and in the week before the marathon must do all the following at the right time –
- Go to Excel to collect her event pack which contains her bib number (with timing chip attached so she can be tracked!) and a kit bag for items she doesn’t need while running.
- Get to the start at Greenwich Park early on the run day, making sure she goes to the right assembly area for her number.
- Put excess clothing in her numbered kit bag, and deposit it in the right lorry, so she can collect it at the finish.
- Join her allocated start wave, as fast runners go in early waves, and slower ones in later waves.
- Keep warm while waiting!
Then she will start running….. and running… and having a drink along the way… and running. 26.2 miles through central London. The 2022 marathon starts at Blackheath, goes out through Woolwich then back to Greenwich, passing the iconic Cutty Sark; over the world-famous Tower Bridge, and through Canary Wharf; then back along the embankment and finally, finally finishing on The Mall in front of Buckingham Palace.
Then she has to draw breath, collect her kitbag from the right lorry, make her way home and put her feet up. Hope they are not too sore!
If you have read this far, how about making a donation to help Alice on her way – it all adds up to something we can use to boost research, educate doctors and help patients. It will also help Alice feel that all that effort was worth it!
And we’ll get on with what we have to do to help patients and doctors …. and those of you at risk of tick bites who aren’t patients yet!