Map of Medicine (MOM) is a collection of evidence-based, practice-informed care maps which connect all the knowledge and services around a clinical condition. A care map was produced for Lyme disease in January 2010 but at its review date in 2012 a decision was taken not to update it.
The reasons given by the production Editor were:
“In accordance with our methodology we have analysed key data to determine the justification for the Lyme disease pathway, balanced against the resource requirements to maintain it and its anticipated use. The outcome of this analysis is that we have decided not to retain and update this topic currently. However, if circumstances change in the future, we will be sure to republish the pathway.”
LDA contacted MOM who agreed that in an area of controversy such as Lyme disease diagnosis and treatment, an independent authoritative source which highlights the gaps in evidence is important. However MOM is privately funded and needs to assess the use which has been made of a particular care map and the resources necessary to verify and review the information to keep it up to date. The statistics show that the care map for Lyme disease has not been used sufficiently to justify further resources at the moment.
LDA believes the MOM is an important resource and is therefore in current discussion with MOM to see how this can be resolved and the care map be brought back into use.
Until the situation changes, be aware that where MOM is quoted on the website, the information was due for review in February 2012.