Map of medicine for Lyme disease will be back!

Map of Medicine (MOM) is a collection of evidence-based, practice-informed care maps which connect all the knowledge and services around a clinical condition. A care map was produced for Lyme disease in January 2010 but at its review date in 2012 a decision was taken not to update it.

LDA has had discussions with MOM and they have agreed to review the map, with input from LDA. It is hoped that the new map will be published in April 2013. This detailed care pathway will be available to doctors and also to patients through NHS Choices.

LDA believes the MOM is an important resource as it will be based on what is known as well as what is not known in the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease.

And what then?

We shall also be identifying other care pathways where Lyme disease needs to be considered in the differential diagnosis. We have already requested that Lyme disease is added for consideration in the care pathway for cellulitis. This rash is sometimes mistakenly diagnosed when a Lyme disease erythema migrans is not recognised. Someone then treated with a short course of inappropriate antibiotics will probably not develop a positive blood test for Lyme disease and may well be denied treatment.

Gradually as the local Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) get under way, we shall engage with them to promote the development of local care pathways for Lyme disease. This will help doctors tap into local expertise. The expertise is not there yet, but we know of interested doctors. We also know that CCGs covering areas where Lyme disease is more common are aware of the need for local resources and want to provide that link.

The future is looking a little brighter.


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