What a clinic can do

This balanced report from the USA Lifespan Lyme Disease Clinic (LDC) has a description of difficulties faced by Lyme disease patients that many in the UK will recognise. The authors have looked back at records of patients who attended the clinic during 2018. It is fairly clear that most of the patients studied had come […]


Babesiosis in the UK

On July 31st 2020 Public Health England (PHE) confirmed what they say is the “first case of a babesiosis in England”. Babesiosis is a well known, important animal disease, but this is the first officially reported case in England, though not the first in the UK. What is Babesia? Babesia is a protozoan parasite, like […]



This is free to enter and you don’t have to be a serious cyclist. In fact, you don’t have to be a cyclist at all – you can use any self propelled wheels that you want! Visit myridelondon.co.uk to register and choose your distance: Free cycle – any distance you choose 19 miles 46 miles […]


LDA Newsletter

For those who are not on our mailing list, our May newsletter is available on the website. We discuss – what we are doing; what’s happening in the UK; what’s happening elsewhere. It won’t surprise anyone that Covid-19 is having an effect on all Lyme disease related activity; except the ticks, that is, which are […]



We do not know whether having Lyme disease increases the risk of more serious Covid-19. Several chronic diseases and chronic neurological conditions are thought to put people more at risk but there is no information on Lyme disease, or other relatively rare conditions. If you have Lyme disease or think you may still have Lyme […]


NorthTick project newsletter

The following is the first newsletter from the NorthTick project, sent to the supporting patient organisations, of which LDA is one. NorthTick Newsletter First and foremost a big thanks to all the organizations that have supported the NorthTick project by signing the Letter of Support. NorthTick is a project co-funded by the European Union through […]


Research workshop summary

As we reported back in November the Health Protection Research Unit in Emerging and Zoonotic Infections (HPRU EZI) and Public Health England (PHE) held a research workshop on November 21/22 2019. You can read the official report summarising what was discussed. Day 1. This was solely for researchers and health professionals; patients were not invited. […]


HPRU EZI Workshop

On 22nd November, along with several other patient groups and charities, LDA attended a research workshop organised by The Health Protection Research Unit in Emerging and Zoonotic Infections (HPRU EZI) and Public Health England. Because of the rules governing the pre-election period in the UK (known as Purdah) none of us are able to provide […]


TBE has arrived in the UK

Tick Borne Encephalitis (TBE), a viral disease, has been reported in UK ticks for the first time and Public Health England (PHE) has updated its risk assessment.  The risk of catching TBE is considered by PHE as Low to Very Low, even in ‘at risk’ groups like forestry workers, but LDA warns against complacency. Like […]


SMC briefing risks fomenting discord

Following the Science Media Centre’s briefing on Lyme disease, many journalists seem to have used the news release from the UK news agency pa media. We can’t be sure which experts talked at this briefing, but the news release mentions two. Let’s take a dispassionate look at this release. MOST PEOPLE IN UK WHO THINK […]
